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HVAC Template

Another business template in the Hot Joomla Templates collection. This time the business template is related to the HVAC industry. This is abbreviation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Since these technologies are tightly related, the companies usually provide all these services.

This is the summarization of the HVAC template's most important features:

  • Responsive template, based on clean CSS/CSS3 code, and powered by Sparky Joomla template framework.
  • 5 pre-defined styles with different colors. All colors are easily customizable in Sparky options (infinite color options).
  • Customization of the template's layout and adding/removing module positions is easy. It's powered by Sparky's drag and drop Layout Editor. Change layout and element's dimensions easily whenever you need.
  • Hot Swipe Carousel, Hot Maps, Hot Slicebox, Hot Responsive Lightbox are included with the template. All commercial modules included in this template are free for you if you buy the template (you save $15 per module). All extensions are pre-installed and configured.
  • All demo content can be edited visually, using only the core Joomla! editor. Therefore, the compatibility with all future Joomla! versions is guaranteed!
  • HotStart (quick start installation) is available with both single purchase or membership plan. It copies template with all extensions and demo pages easily.
  • 22 module positions are used in our demo. An unlimited number of module positions can be added easily within the Layout Editor of the Sparky Framework if needed.
  • A selection of 800+ Google Fonts is available through the template options panel. The latest version of the Font Awesome icons collection is included.
  • PSD source file and fonts are available.
  • The top menu system with the presentation of the menu items in multiple levels in the drop-down panes.
  • Tested with IE10+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. Tested on iOS and Android mobile devices.
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages.

Edit visually

Edit Content Visually

All demo content (articles and custom modules) can be edited visually using only the core Joomla! editor. You can see the exact results of all edits that you are making in real time.

Add images and other elements, change text, and select all text styles listed in the Typography page visually in the editor. It's possible to edit content from the backend and front-end.

Drop-down menu

Drop-down Menu

This template has a fast-loading jQuery based top menu with nested sub-menus. Sub-menu opens on mouse over action. Various menu options are available for all the menus that you create in Joomla. You can change colors, fonts, sizes, and menu other parameters for each menu.

Sparky Framework supports several menu options, such as the drop-down menu, off-canvas menu (like the top menu in this template), accordion menu, horizontal menu, and classic Joomla menu. Each menu type has its own specific parameters and options.

Infinite colors

Infinite Color Schemes

Unlimited color options! Select colors and make your template unique! This is useful if you want to match the main template color with your company logo or brand. All our templates come with several pre-defined color schemes.

To get to the parameters in your Joomla Admin go to Extensions > Template Manager and click on the template name. Beside many other parameters, here you can select colors. The template colors can be selected using a handy palette tool or entered manually in hexadecimal format (a combination of 6 letters and numbers). If you don't have Photoshop, Fireworks or similar application, Color Combos can help you to find out the hexadecimal code of your color.

Change a few options in template parameters and... Boom! You got a template with a completely new experience!

Newer versions of Joomla (after 1.6) have a nice new feature in the template manager. It's possible to save multiple template styles! If you are using a template that has many parameters (like our templates), and you wish to use different template settings for Page A and Page B, it's now possible. Please read Joomla template styles from our Blog to learn more about this.

No conflicts

No Conflicts

jQuery is a powerful javascript library. Almost all of our extensions are based on that library (Top Menu, Hot Image Slider, Hot Newsflash, Hot Joomla Gallery, Hot Joomla Carousel, Lightbox, Font resizer, and many more...). However, many Joomla extensions from other providers use other libraries (mooTools or prototype).

Using them together on a page will probably make conflicts. As a result, some or all of your extensions would not work.

However, we have found a solution. Our Joomla extensions use "jQuery noConflict mode". Therefore, with our templates, beside our extensions, you can also use other extensions from other providers based on other libraries.

SEO Friendly

SEO Friendly

You don't need a nice website if Google can't index it and position it higher in search results.

All Hot Joomla Templates are well optimized for search engines. The template code is valid and passes W3C Markup Validation.

Unlike older versions, newer Joomla versions are well optimized for SEO out of the box. Joomla now use H1 and H2 tags for headings, allow you to enter descriptions for each page, make SEF links better and has many other advantages for the semantic HTML code and better SEO. Joomla! with our templates is the best combination for your better ranking!


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