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Nombre de mots dans votre article: 103

Hot Slicebox is another responsive slideshow module by HotThemes

With a unique transition effect based on the rotation of three-dimensional boxes and a lot of parameters, it will be a very useful module in our collection.

This module supports up to 20 slots that you can fill up with images, with or without textual boxes. Each image can be linked. You can select a number of slicing boxes for 3D transition animation, as well as orientation (horizontal or vertical). This is a responsive module which means that you can use it whenever you are about to develop a responsive website (optimized for mobile screens).

Hot Slicebox


Nombre de mots dans votre article: 173

12 Dec 2019

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Nombre de mots dans votre article: 173

28 Nov 2019

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6 Oct 2019

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